And the magic number is….(drum roll, please)…$10,013.56!

We reached our goal and will get the full donor match! Thank you to all who stepped up and made this possible. You are all amazing!

Ok, now for a bit of perspective…

For those who have taken a look at the draft EIR (and we strongly believe everyone should!), you know it is 4,000+ pages covering a huge range of detailed impacts SHR could have. The amount of technical material to be consumed and the analysis required to mount a credible challenge is an exceedingly difficult task to perform in a short amount of time. Increasing the odds of success requires a team of experts working towards the same goal.

There’s no doubt about it, $10,000 is a lot of money, but hiring the best lawyers and consultants requires substantial investment. For instance, subject matter experts needed at this stage cost, on average, $5,000…each.

It’s easy to get sidetracked with work, family and life in general, and there are probably a million things you would rather do with your money BUT how will you feel if the annexation goes through, Escondido City Council approves SHR and the rumbling of construction becomes the new normal – for years?

Yes, the developers have deep pockets, but we are hundreds strong and this is more than ‘just business’ to us.

If you care about preserving San Pasqual and want to stop the trend of rural land being annexed or up-zoned into urban sprawl, NOW is the time to join us and support our efforts to stop this sprawling leapfrog development.

SPVPA is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so your donation can be tax-deductible to you.

#NoSafariSprawl #SmartGrowth #StopSHR

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