SPVPA has come a long way. We started out as a small group of tenacious people with an idea about what community stewardship is all about, and have matured that idea into a non-profit organization pursuing meaningful outcomes throughout the San Pasqual Valley. We have learned so much and have expanded our reach in such a short amount of time. Without a doubt, our ability to affect change has not gone unnoticed and we do not plan to stop anytime soon.
SPVPA has been funded through the generosity of friends, family, neighbors and like-minded organizations. Some of you have given and continue to give substantial amounts and we are grateful. However, a team of lawyers, analysts and subject matter experts is only possible with substantial and ongoing funding. Not only is that team in place and actively working, it is growing.
Many of you have asked how to help and the answer is simple: WE. NEED. YOUR. MONEY. Yes, we know how that sounds but the honest truth is that it will take money to win this fight and the fight is happening now. The draft EIR for Safari Highlands Ranch has been released and this is our chance to stop the annexation and prevent this beautiful, rural land from being up-zoned into urban sprawl.
All of us at SPVPA have, and continue, to contribute a significant amount of time and money to preserve and protect the San Pasqual Valley way of life. Now it comes down to you: What is that life worth to you? A dollar per day? A couple of lattes per week? Maybe a bottle of wine per month? Surely your quality of life has a price? How much are you willing to pay to protect it? Make a donation today and join the fight.
#NoSafariSprawl #SmartGrowth #StopSHR
SPVPA needs your help!
Click here to be linked to our secure PayPal donations page.
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